3-5 QERSHOR 2024


The right to information, strengthening the culture of transparency of the public authorities

Familiarity with the legal framework of the field of the right to information, was at the center of the training organized by the Information and Data Protection Commissioner’s Office. There were present a group of coordinators from various public authorities, central or local self-government units, recently appointed to this task. In this activity the framework of obligations was presented stemming from the Law 119/2014 “On the right to information”, as amended, and the Law 33/2022 “On open data and reuse of public sector information”.

Staff of the Commissioner’s Office, through cases from practice, familiarized the participants with the rules for exercising the right to request information/documentation of a public nature and the complaint procedure; on the content and continuous updating of the Transparency Program, as well as on the role and activity of the coordinator in fulfilling the legal provisions. On the other hand, they became familiar with the innovations and key concepts of Law 33/2022, which has directly transposed the EU directive of the same name, assigning a new competence to the Office of the Commissioner for the monitoring/supervision and promotion of this right. This act extends its effects over a range of categories of information produced/held by public sector bodies/enterprises, such as: research and scientific data, strategies, reports, statistics, maps, measurements, decisions/recommendations, etc. This law guarantees a clear and specific policy, encouraging the possibility of reusing public sector information for economic development purposes.