3-5 QERSHOR 2024


The Commissioner’s Office, part of the PACEP project

Support for the Assembly and Civic Education” (PACEP) is a project aimed at strengthening the representative, legislative, and oversight functions of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania. This project aims to improve electoral processes within its activities, enhance the legislative role based on reliable data, increase cooperation with independent institutions monitored by the parliament, and encourage active contributions from civil society.

The Information and Data Protection Commissioner’s Office is one of the four independent institutions involved in the 3rd component of the project “Parliamentary Oversight”. The support aims to strengthen professional capacities for implementing contemporary standards in exercising competences and increasing the efficiency of institutional activities. The project will impact the improvement of interaction between these authorities and the Assembly. Simultaneously, it will contribute to strengthening communication with citizens, civil society and interest groups, enhancing transparency, accountability and their active access to information/documents related to parliamentary activities.

The “Support for the Assembly and Civic Education” project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the British organization Global Partners Governance (GPG) until the end of 2027.