The Twinning Project consists of 3 components, including 1 study visit.

Component 1 – Alignment of national legislation with the GDPR and the Enforcement Directive

This component aims at providing support to the harmonisation of national legislation with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Enforcement Directive. Specific sub-results will be as follows:

  • Comparative review and analysis of the Albanian data protection law in force (law 9887 date 10.03.2008, “On personal data protection”, as amended) with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the Enforcement Directive 2016/680 performed;
  • Initial findings presented to key stakeholders and recommendations developed;
  • Strategy for alignment of the Albanian legal framework on personal data protection with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Enforcement Directive drafted;
  • Amendment of national legislation in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Enforcement Directive prepared;
  • Sub-legal acts in application of the new law drafted.

 Component 2 – Capacity building for enforcement of the new Data Protection legal framework

This component is intended to provide IDP with the knowledge and organizational instruments to handle potential challenges concerning the enforcement of the new Data Protection legal framework in Albania. This component is based on three main pillars:

  • Training of IDP staff on the GDPR framework;
  • Enhancing the IDP’s administrative capacity to manage the new data protection framework;
  • Provide to the IDP staff the necessary knowledge and best practices related to the GDPR in practice.

 Component 3 – Awareness-raising with controllers and processors in order to ensure that they comply with the new Data Protection Law

The awareness-raising activities with controllers and processors, in order to ensure that they comply with the new Data Protection Law, will be carried out throughout the project as a horizontal activity.

This Component is aimed at providing, in a structured format, all the knowledge and the latest updates in regard to the new Albanian data protection law.

Specific objective is to raise awareness on the Data Protection Law and to illustrate the novelties, and in this regard specific focus groups meetings, events and trainings inviting various stakeholders from public, private and civil society are organized.